AISHU User Agreement


Preface | Important -- please read carefully


1.This Agreement includes all the terms and conditions that you should comply with when accessing or using the products or services provided by AISHU. If you hold any questions about this end-user software license agreement (EULA for short), please contact AISHU, and we will be delighted to explain it to you. If you do not agree to or understand this EULA, please do not take further actions towards the products or services provided by AISHU. By using any feature of the software, the end-user agrees to be bound by the terms of this EULA.


2.The right to modify this EULA is reserved to AISHU, and AISHU can transfer it to the related third parties. AISHU will announce the changes of EULA on the website. The changed EULA or assignments will be considered as a part of this EULA once published. If you do not agree to the changed EULA, you should stop using our products/services immediately. Otherwise, it will be deemed that you accept all.


Article 1 | How do you use this product


1.You should follow the product manual, and sign in with an account with truthful and accurate information. If any changes happen, please update it in your account on time. When using our product, you should:

1)Obey all the laws, including the applicable international treaties or conventions. Do not infringe any personal privacy or other legal rights or interests. Do not endanger network security or information;

2)Comply with all agreements, guidelines, regulations, procedures, or notices relating to the product;

3)Keep your account and password properly, and inform AISHU immediately of any illegal use of your account or any security breach of your account;

4)Ensure the security of the data you upload and store, such as free from viruses, Trojans, and other harmful programs;

5)Own the contents stored in this product and independent legal responsibility for the legality of the contents;

6)Be responsible for data loss, damage, and other losses caused by the disclosure of the account and password due to your reasons.


Article 2 | Acts forbade for this product


1.When using this product, you shall not:

1)Damage this product, affect the normal operation of this product, or harm the legal rights and interests of AISHU;

2)Delete or change any trademarks, icons, copyrights, or other ownership declarations, legends, symbols, or marks of this product without notifying AISHU;

3)Disclose to third parties any results of the benchmark test of this product without the written permission of AISHU;

4)Rent or lease, sell or reauthorize this software;

5)Bind this software with other software products to use;

6)Take actions to bring any malfunction towards the Internet or mobile network by this product;

7)Use this product to upload, show, copy, publish any illegal or immoral information;

8)Infringe the intellectual properties or other legal rights and interests of other people with this product;

9)Use this product to damage the interests or reputation of AISHU or any parties related to AISHU;

10)Use this product to involve in or promote any illegal activities;

11)Use any part of this product as the target link for any batch information or business information without permission(including but not limited to all kinds of junk mails);

12)Use any automated process or service to access or use this product;

13)Use, or try to use any unauthorized method to modify, or change the interface of this product;

14)Damage or destroy this product (or any networks that connect this product), make it unable to operate, or operate under overload, or interfere with the others to use this product;

15)Resell or distribute this product or any part of this product;

16)Do other things that harm the legal rights and interests of AISHU and its third parties.


2.Breach any item of this article will be regarded as your breach of contract, and you will be liable in accordance with Article 3 of this agreement.


Article 3 | Liability for breach of contract


1.If you violate any terms in this EULA, AISHU will be entitled to ask you to correct it. And if your actions cause loss or damage for AISHU, AISHU can take unilateral measures, including but not limited to:

1)Block or cancel your account;

2)Stop providing the product or services temporarily;

3)End the services of the product;

4)Terminate this agreement.


2.Any penalty, investigation, accusation, claim or demand caused or generated by your conduct, or any loss resulting therefrom, shall be resolved at your own expense and you shall bear the corresponding responsibility.


3.If your actions cause any third party to put forward any punishment, investigation, accusation, claim or request against AISHU or its affiliates, once you receive a written notice from AISHU, you should immediately cooperate with AISHU to verify. After verification and written confirmation by both parties, you will bear all expenses incurred by AISHU or its affiliates due to defenses, and at the same time, AISHU or its affiliates will retain the right to claim against you for the losses suffered by your actions.


4.The above breach liability clause applies to the entire period of your use of the product.


Article 4 | Product Activation


1.During activation, you allow the product to connect to the address specified by AISHU, and verify it.


2.During activation, AISHU will verify the activation code for the legitimate use of the product.


Article 5 | AISHU Services


1.Service Scopes:

1)Give solutions for those technical problems on software features.

2)Accept, analyze and solve the software error given by users.

3)Provide one year of free maintenance services including consultation for software installation, deployment, solutions, and fixing software bugs.


2.Service Declaration:

Not all errors you report to AISHU can be fixed, any update for this software will be seen as a part of the software and be restricted by this EULA.


3.Service Restrictions.

AISHU does not accept the service requests resulted in:

1)Installing or using the software not in accordance with the operational guidance in the accompanying document.

2)Using the software not licensed by AISHU or altering, adapting, or modifying this software without permission from AISHU.

3)Hardware failure caused by your ignorance or other uncontrollable factors by AISHU.

4)Software damages suffered accidentally or artificially.

5)Using any update not released by AISHU at all or not in accordance with the corresponding one released by AISHU.


Article 6 | Changes to AISHU Services


1.You understand and agree that to better respond to your requirements, optimization services, AISHU may need overhaul, maintenance, upgrade or update regularly or not regularly for products or related equipment, which leads to the suspension of service within a reasonable time. AISHU will try to notice in advance. Such notices are AISHU’s full and sole responsibility in such cases.


2.Due to the particularity and unpredictability of network services, this product service or any part of it may be changed, interrupted, or terminated at any time for various reasons.  


Article 7 | Intellectual Property


1.The product and any copies that you are permitted to use are owned by AISHU and are protected by China and other country copyright, other intellectual property laws, and other international treaties. All rights, title to the intellectual property rights are owned by AISHU and are not transferable. References to "Intellectual Property Rights" herein are all current and future Copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and any other legally recognized intellectual property rights.


2.The Disclosing Party owns all right, title, and interest, including without limitation all intellectual property rights, in the product, any part of the product, or any text, pictures, graphics, audio, or video materials provided through or in conjunction with the product (the "Material"). These materials are protected by copyright, trademark, and/or other property ownership laws.


3.Any party bound by this EULA agrees not to modify, adapt, translate, make derivative works from, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to obtain source code from the product or materials without the consent of the Disclosing Party, or extract the substance of the product and materials for other applications.


4.Each party bound by this EULA agrees not to remove, mask or alter the copyright descriptions, trademarks, or other proprietary rights of the Disclosing Party or any third party protected by this EULA attached to, contained in, or read through or through the Product without the consent of the Disclosing Party.


5.Unless there are other clear agreements, any part of this EULA cannot be explained as one part transfer its copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, or any other intellectual property right to the other.


Article 8 | Information Collection and Privacy Protection


1.AISHU promises that we will not disclose voluntarily your data stored in this product to third parties. However, the information disclosure, which is under the compulsory requirements of relevant laws, regulations, judgments, and rulings, is exempt from the restriction. You will be notified by AISHU under these circumstances.


2.AISHU will collect some of your information for cooperation and services. AISHU will use and protect the information according to the Privacy Policy. Besides, AISHU can access or disclose your related information for the purposes below:

1)To comply with relevant laws and assist judicial or law enforcement agencies in their investigation and enforcement;

2)Or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the public in accordance with the mandatory provisions of the relevant laws.


3.AISHU may collect certain information about the service status, your equipment, and your use of the products to provide you with services. AISHU reserves the right to upload the information from your devices, with which, AISHU cannot identify you.


4.For more information, you can read Privacy Policy on our product page.


Article 9 | Representations and Warranties


1.Each party represents that it has duly and validly entered into this EULA and that it has the right and authority to do so.


2.You declare, guarantee and promise that

1)You shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to your activities under this EULA.

2)Your use of the product shall not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party.


Article 10 | Limitation and immunity of liability


1.AISHU is not responsible for the following:

1)Any problems caused by your content, third-party content, or any products or services not provided by AISHU.

2)Or any problems caused by the abuse or modification of the software product or the use of the product in violation of terms, laws, and regulations hereof.


2.To the fullest extent permitted by law, unless otherwise expressly stated AISHU excludes and expressly disclaims any warranties, representations, terms, conditions, or any other form of undertaking, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise Ways, including but not limited to any guarantees, statements, terms, conditions or other promises regarding marketability, quality satisfaction, non-infringement, or applicability for specific purposes. Under no circumstances will AISHU be liable for any indirect, accidental, or direct losses or losses arising from the use of this product, even if AISHU has been informed of the possibility of such losses, depletion, and risks in advance.


3.Failure by a party to exercise a right under this EULA shall not constitute a waiver or forfeiture of that right or any other right. If any provision of this EULA is unenforceable or invalid to the extent of applicable law, this EULA shall not be unenforceable or invalid as a whole. This unenforceable or invalid provision will be amended or construed to maximize its objectives within applicable law. Any modification of this EULA shall be made with the prior consent of both parties.


4.The laws of your country or region may not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain liabilities by contract. To the maximum extent prohibited by the law, some of the above limitations or exclusions of liability do not apply to you.


Article 11 | Applicable Laws and Regulations


1.This Agreement is governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. All disputes and disputes arising out of or related to the execution and interpretation of this EULA shall be submitted to a court that has jurisdiction over AISHU places of residence.


2.Failure by a party to exercise a right under this EULA shall not constitute a waiver or forfeiture of that right or any other right. If any provision of this EULA is unenforceable or invalid to the extent of applicable law, this EULA shall not be unenforceable or invalid as a whole. This unenforceable or invalid provision will be amended or construed to maximize its objectives within applicable laws.


Article 12 | Contact AISHU


1.If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this EULA or have any complaints, feel free to contact AISHU by:

1)TEL: 400-880-1569